Woohoo!!! You’re IN!!!
Fearless Alumni!! I am SO excited to get Fearless (again) with you!!!
I can’t WAIT for our special Alumni round of Fearless Art to get started! Before we get begin, there are just a few small things that I need from you:
Step 1:
Get on the list (again).
Even though you are already on my “list”, it is important to fill out this form so that all of our Alumni Round info makes it it’s way to you ❤
Once you hit subscribe, be sure to find your confirmation email in your inbox and click confirm so that I can get you alllll of the things! (if you can’t find it search for Shawna@ShawnaClingerman.com it might be hiding in a filter somewhere – feel free to reach out if it doesn’t come your way!!!)
Step 2:
Make sure you are part of our Fearless Alumni Facebook Group!
Since this round is going to be made up entirely of Fearless Alumni, we are going use our already existing Facebook Group!
Click the link below to make sure you are already a member, and then CHECK IN in the pinned Fearless Art Alumni Round Roll Call thread so that we can all connect before we work together though this round as a group!
Step 3:
Add our Fearless Dates to your calendar!
I really do think this round is going to be extra special so I don’t want you to miss out! Here are the dates to remember for this round of Fearless Art:
Start Date: September 19th, 2022
First Lesson Goes Live: Monday, September 19th
Last Lesson Goes Live: Monday, November 7th
Our Group Call Times will be alternating each week between daytime and evenings:
Fridays at 9am PT/12pm ET and Thursdays at 5pm PT/8pm ET
Starting with a daytime call on Friday September 23rd
Group Celebration Call: Thursday, November 17th at 5pm PT/8pm ET
Don’t worry, you will receive an email all of these dates, and I will add our calls to our Alumni Facebook Group Calendar too!
Now just get ready! Because this round of Fearless Art is starting SUPER SOON!!!
Thank you SO much, sweet alumni, for being part of the Fearless Art family. I can’t wait to have this time to connect more with each of you.
Questions? Feel free to reach out! You can contact the me at Shawna@ShawnaClingerman.com and I’ll get you sorted out!!