Mixed Feelings – now in Illustrated Faith Print and Pray Shop!
Yippee!!! Time to introduce you to my newest collection in the Illustrated Faith Print and Pray shop, this one is called: MIXED FEELINGS. This collection, once again, came from where I’m at in my soul right now… and be honest, that is kinda all over the...
Learn to Create”Brush Lettering” with a Simple Sharpie Marker!
Learn to create your own brush lettering with a simple sharpie maker!

OFFICIAL Handlettered Word of the Year Product LIST!
Get your word of the year on your favorite products!

Love Yourself First – Free Printable
This FREE printable is a little reminder for you that I made – download and print and then hang it up where ever you need to remind yourself that YOU matter, that it is your own job to love yourself first.

SEND LOVE – Fussy Cutting my newest Collection in the Illustrated Faith Print and Pray Shop
I’m so excited to introduce you to my newest collection in the Illustrated Faith Print and Pray shop: SEND LOVE. This month I decided to do a little combo of flipping through the pieces in the collection and sharing my process for fussy cutting all the pieces!...
How to Choose Your Word of the Year
It’s never to late to choose your word of the year!!! Download this FREE handy little worksheet to help guide you through the steps I personally use every year when choosing my word.

Wild Love with Photo Play Paper!
I’m so excited to finally be able to share with you my wildly love-able collection with PHOTOPLAY Paper called Wild Love! This collection is filled with adorable little wild creatures all sharing the love, just in time for Valentine’s Day! Here is a video...