So just last week my sister introduced me to the author/researcher Brene Brown and I picked up her book The Gifts of Imperfection (awesome title right?!) and started reading it on the Treadmill the next day. When I run at the gym I like to WAY over stimulate myself and I will run, read (on my nook with a SUPER huge font size), and listen to music at the same time… then I just have to make a concerted effort not to fall on my face…
Well, I instantly love this book and this author and, I feel like its going to be a really great journey for me. I fell in love with this one line I read in there – and then later I saw my lovely sister posting the same quote again in a comment on Facebook. I immediately know what my art journaling/lettering practice for the day would be <3. I grabbed my art journal and picked out a page I’d already painted on and doodled away with my microns and a brush marker, tried to embrace my imperfection some and not obsess…
Here is a picture of my art journal page:
Well, in sharing it, it got an awesome response, a few people mentioned they would like a print of it. I’ve never made prints of my physical art, although I do see more of that in my future, so I figured it is about time I learn! So, I took some time Saturday and figured it out. Scanning (duh), and then what it would take to clean it up and make something that looks good printed out – and I think I got it!
I scanned at a super high res and cropped in so there is a bit less empty space on the print, and I also went ahead and just made it a full sheet letter sized file for everyone – however I think it is pretty easy to have it print out any size you want using your print settings. The download includes both a PDF and a jpg for your ease of use, please let me know if this works for you or if you have any questions about downloading/unzipping and printing! Just for kicks, here you can see what it looks like with a 8×10 frame when printed full size. Fun right??
So! I’m happy to share my first “art print” here on my blog! You can print it fancy and frame it, or print it speedy and hang it on your fridge, or maybe cut it up and use it in your own art! Please feel free to have fun with it! I do ask if you share photos that you link here so people can get the original from me and that you don’t sell or redistribute my work in any way – but it is yours for personal use how ever you would like!
“No matter how much I get done, or is left undone, at the end of the day I am enough.” –Brene Brown – This is SO powerful dear friends! May we all remember this each and every day! <3 <3 <3
<3 Shawna
I love that you had this impulse and then you made it happen, for u and all of us! I’m excited to print this and so proud to be your sis <3
<3 you sister!
Thanks a lot for sharing! It fits perfectly into my life right now, having so many to dos and a decluttering project going on…
You are so welcome! I can totally relate to having SO much going on too! We are rockin’ it!
What a wonderful statement! We ALL need to remember those words each day! We are all enough! Thank you for this wonderful print!
Thank. You
This printed so beautifully. Thank you. I love Brene Brown too.
Thank you